Add a client certificate to the exchange. The client certificate will be used for establishing the mTLS authentication if the remote request it. The client certificate can be retrieved from the default store (my) or from a PKCS#12 file (.p12, pfx).
The certificate will not be stored in fluxzy settings and, therefore, must be available at runtime.
Evaluation scope defines the timing where this filter will be applied.
onAuthorityReceived This scope denotes the moment fluxzy is aware the destination authority. In a regular proxy connection, it will occur the moment where fluxzy parsed the CONNECT request.
The following table describes the customizable properties available for this action:
Property | Type | Description | DefaultValue |
clientCertificate.retrieveMode | fluxzyDefault | fromUserStoreSerialNumber | fromUserStoreThumbPrint | fromPkcs12 | Retrieve mode | |
clientCertificate.serialNumber | string | Serial number of a certificate available on user store | |
clientCertificate.thumbPrint | string | Thumbprint of a certificate available on user store (hex format) | |
clientCertificate.pkcs12File | string | Path to a PKCS#12 certificate | |
clientCertificate.pkcs12Password | string | Certificate passphrase when Pkcs12File is defined |
The following examples apply this action to any exchanges
Use a certificate with serial number xxxxxx
retrieved from for local user store to establish mTLS authentication.
- filter:
typeKind: AnyFilter
- typeKind: SetClientCertificateAction
retrieveMode: FromUserStoreSerialNumber
serialNumber: xxxxxx
View definition of SetClientCertificateAction for .NET integration.
The following actions are related to this action: