Command pack

The pack command allows you to pack a fluxzy dump directory into a fluxzy archive or an HTTP archive format file. The output format is infered from the extension of the output file. .har for http archive, .fxzy for fluxzy archive.

Alternatively, you can use --format option to specify the output format without inferring it from the output file extension. Possible values for this options are fxzy and har.

Pack a fluxzy dump directory into a fluxzy archive

The following command pack a fluxzy dump directory into a fluxzy archive.

fluxzy pack -d "/path/to/dump-folder" -o "/path/to/file.fxzy"

Pack a fluxzy dump directory into an HTTP archive file (HAR)

The following command pack a fluxzy dump directory into an HTTP archive file archive.

fluxzy pack -d "/path/to/dump-folder" -o "/path/to/file.har"

Note that, unlike the fluxzy archive, the HTTP archive format does not support storing captured PCAP files.