Fluxzy Desktop v1.20.1

New features

Refined exchange table

  • The exchange table has been visually refined to allow to quickly view the indicator of interest of captured exchanges.
  • A new columnn latency has been added to view how much time the remote server took to respond to the exchange.

exchange table refined

A better header control

Request and response headers have now a collapsible zone to access searching header with the same name or with the same name and value.

search by header name or header value

More useful home page

The home page has been rebuilt to allow you to access quickly to main features.

update home page

Set user agent action

Although this new action is fully covered by UpdateRequestHeaderAction, SetUserAgentAction make changing user agent more accessible by providing a simple profile name.

Add set user agent action


  • Fix Chromium based browser not proxying localhost when run in launch and hook
  • Fix Firefox based browser not proxying localhost when run in launch and hook
